If you’re looking for answers in regards to WHY you feel the way you do, or why you can’t get better (even after seeing other doctors and healers), there is another way…
My Health Mantra: TEST. DON’T GUESS and STRESS.
Gone are the days of guessing what is wrong and blindly taking medications and supplements. It’s an amazing time to be alive and experience your optimal health.

For example, a simple blood test can reveal if you are deficient in a vitamin or hormone, and the data can give you an EXACT GAME PLAN of what to do next.
With your custom results, you (or we can work together) to create a laser-focused protocol based on the right foods, supplements, lifestyle changes, and stress-management practices to HEAL and STRENGTHEN your gut microbiome, body, and mind.
This will empower you to move OUT of fight or flight mode and INTO rest and digest—where the healing happens.
The TOP TWO tests I recommend are: GutFitness Labs Package and Omega-3 Inflammation Test Kit.
Your gut and brain are far more connected than most people will ever realize and are the keys to living your best health ever. A healthy gut protects you from disease and illness, and a damaged gut invites all the bad stuff in. Similarly, an unhealthy brain also lets in mental health challenges, speeds up the aging process, and prevents you from living your full potential in life and work.
GutFitness Labs Package
These labs test your inflammation levels and dangerous stealth pathogens that could be living in your gut, causing leaky gut, digestion issues, and so much more.
Leaky Gut is something that not only wreaks havoc on your microbiome but will also have the potential to cause many DOWNSTREAM health issues deeper in your body if not addressed, including:
- Bloating
- Digestive Issues
- Food sensitivities
- Thyroid conditions
- Weight Gain
- Fatigue
- Anemia
- Joint pain
- Chronic headaches
- Skin issues
- Autoimmune conditions
- Depression
The Acid-Kicking GutFitness Lab Package includes:
GI Map Test: Measures the amounts of good and bad bacteria in your gut and documents inflammation levels of your entire gut microbiome. It also details how your enzymes, gallbladder, and stomach are functioning or dysfunctioning, identifying potential leaky gut and dangerous pathogens. This lab will also test for parasites.
MRT Food Sensitivity Test: You may not be full-blown allergic to something, but being sensitive to a certain type of food can be responsible for your bloating, constipation, acid reflux and indigestion, nausea, headaches, mood changes, and fatigue. Over 170 foods and chemicals will be tested so we can customize your diet and food consumption.
Lab Review Zoom Call with Dr. Daryl: Once we review the lab results, I will answer all of your questions and then offer you options on how you can resolve your specific health concerns once and for all. We will also discuss what you will need to do to get laser-focused on your path toward healing your gut and your body.
Omega-3 Inflammation Test Kit
I’ve teamed up with BrainSpan, the world leader in precision brain assessment, to give you an at-home test kit to help you decode your brain and health as you age.

Omega-3 Inflammation Test Kit includes:
- Omega-3 Index: How deficient you are in Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
- Cell Inflammation Balance: Find out your Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio, one of the most important indicators of inflammation in your body.
- Cell Toxicity Index: How toxic are your cells from carbohydrate metabolism?
- 4 Cognitive Function Brain Assessments: Memory Capacity, Sustained Attention, Cognitive Flexibility, and Processing Speed
You have the power to make amazing preventive decisions for your longevity and legacy. Take control today.