Alkaline Diet Recipe: Spring Ahead Morning Smoothie

Smoothie_d4a7f4a2-d287-4b40-b0b6-39cf8f4b7f7fToday, I’ve got a really delicious alkaline smoothie recipe for you that supplies your body with a few powerful sources of the Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids that we talked about in my last post.I told you that flax seeds and chia seeds are excellent sources of all of the essential fatty acids. Add to that the MCT (medium chain triglycerides) in coconut oil, and you have one powerful smoothie.


And if you are worried about the fat – don’t be. These are the type of fats that BURN FAT!


Remember, there are fats that HEAL, and fats that KILL, and the more of these healthy fats you put into your body, the healthier you will be.


And if you are looking to lose a few pounds, you need healthy fat to make that happen – it’s a tradeoff!


But what I didn’t tell you in that article is that your dark greens like spinach also contain Omega 3 fatty acids.


I’ll bet you wouldn’t have guessed that, would you?


Although greens are not high in fat… spinach, arugula, and romaine do contain plant-based Omega 3s.


This smoothie is not only a nutritious way to start your day, it’s really tasty too.


The combination of banana and blueberries gives it a really good taste, and the healthy fats in the flax and coconut oil neutralize all of the acid in the sugar, also preventing an insulin spike in your blood.


So give it a try tomorrow morning and see how good it feels to start your day with a yummy alkaline smoothie!


Spring Ahead Morning Smoothie
Serves 1



2 cups spinach
½ cup blueberries
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp. flax seeds or chia seeds
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1 cup unsweetened almond milk




Blend and enjoy!


Cleanse_Recipe_Cover_b0e9afb6-6f7a-4bd5-89a4-dca52a7b9347_mediumFor more ways to easily eat healthful, alkaline foods every meal of every day (and love how delicious it is), check out my Get Off Your Acid 7-Day Cleanse.


Even if you don’t do the full-on cleanse, there are so many ideas and tips in the digital cleanse materials that you receive that you can start using on a day-to-day basis that will make a difference in your life and your health.





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