YOUR Family is Vitamin D Deficient

94.3% of Americans don't meet the daily requirement for Vitamin D.

I wrote that in big and bold font because it’s horrifically true. This stat should be sounding the alarm in every home; most likely, your family is part of the stat.

So, I’m going to get straight to it. 

Here’s why Acid-Kicking Vitamin D3+K2 is critical for every member of your family:

Babies and toddlers

  • Helps babies sleep longer and better. Adequate vitamin D levels regulate the sleep-wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm. As a dad of two, I feel this article could be stopped here. If you are a parent, you know you will do ANYTHING to get your baby to sleep through the night!
  • Builds strong teeth and bones during such a critical time of development. When babies are first born, some of their “bones” comprise flexible cartilage (a firm tissue softer than bone). As the child grows, some cartilage hardens and turns to bone, and some bones fuse together. Giving your little one Vitamin D early will give their bones a strong foundation.
  • Gives your baby better immune and nervous systems. It can be extra dangerous when littles get sick, but giving Vitamin D will bolster their systems to fight off all the illnesses their older siblings (and the world in general) will try to give them.


I could go on and on about why Vitamin D is ESSENTIAL, but here are my top reasons:

  • Mental health: My Vitamin D are drops of happiness and functionality because they lower depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Tragically, with everything going on in our world, mental health issues are skyrocketing amongst our kids, and Vitamin D can help their growing bodies manage it.
  • Immune system: Just like for babies, kids are walking petri dishes loaded with germs. Vitamin D supercharges their immune systems to block germs from spreading around the family. Winter is coming. Get prepped. 
  • Bone health: How your kids’ bones develop will impact their ENTIRE lives. Preventing osteoporosis and brittle bones later in life starts today.


Just like with your little ones, supplementing with Acid-Kicking Vitamin D3+K2 is critical for bone health, mental health, immunity, and so much more if you want to experience optimal health.

Here are a few more reasons why adults must supplement Vitamin D:

  • Brain health. It slows down the brain's aging process.

  • Muscle movement. It helps your muscles move better and hurt less.

  • Bone health. Vitamin D, especially when combined with Vitamin K, helps your body absorb calcium, the key component of strong bones. As you get older, your bones naturally tend to break down—but it doesn’t have to be this way. Supplement with Acid-Kicking Vitamin D3+K2 to enjoy strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Of course, a healthy lifestyle of spending time outside, enjoying happy family moments, and eating fresh produce (combine all of the above with a trip to the farmer’s market!) is part of the optimal health formula. 

However, I really can’t stress how serious supplementing with Acid-Kicking Vitamin D3+K2 is for the entire family!


Most importantly: TEST. DO NOT STRESS AND GUESS. Test your family’s Vitamin D levels so you know exactly how much they need. But really, if 94.3% of people are D-eficient, supplementing with Vitamin D is NECESSARY. 

Dr. Daryl’s Vitamin D Library

Please read a few more articles from my library to continue your Vitamin D education.

P.S. Join Shayna and me on a transformative 3-day journey to revitalize your gut, body, and mind!

This detox is designed not as a quick fix but as a powerful, nourishing reset that will support your digestive health, boost energy levels, and uplift your mood—all while connecting deeply with your body's natural rhythms.

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