If I could only take ONE supplement, it would be this

Let’s see if you can guess what it is. Here are some clues:

  • The majority (75%) of Americans are low on it.
  • A deficiency can lead to feelings of anxiety and horrible sleep, putting you in a terrible cycle of doom.
  • Bloating, constipation, and gut issues are all red flags that you need more of this mineral.
  • Fluoride toothpaste reduces this mineral in your body.
  • A deficiency can prevent weight loss, no matter how hard you try.
  • Every organ in your body requires it for optimal functionality. 

What’s your best guess? 

If you guessed magnesium…you are almost correct. If you guessed Acid-Kicking Magnesium with 3 ultra-pure and potent forms of magnesium: Citrate, Bisglycinate, and Taurate, then you are 100% correct, A+!

For optimal health, adults need 600 mg of bioavailable magnesium a day. One capsule of Acid-Kicking Magnesium gives you 150 mg, so I suggest taking two before bed to calm your muscles and mind and experience an incredible night of sleep. If you feel anxiety creeping in throughout the day, then take one capsule and up to 4 total a day. 

Stomach issues, weight loss issues, brittle bones, weak immune system, heart issues, joint pain, restless sleep, etc., are also your body’s way of SHOUTING for more magnesium. 

I really can’t stress enough HOW IMPORTANT magnesium is for mind and body health. That is why whenever someone asks me what my #1 supplement recommendation is, I always say Acid-Kicking Magnesium. But basic magnesium will not due. You need bioavailable magnesium that includes Citrate, Bisglycinate, and Taurate. Get all the details why via this blog, and here’s a quick summary.

  • Magnesium Citrate: Desperately seeking natural relief from constipation and all the discomfort that accompanies it (bloating, passing gas, digestion issues, etc.)? Citrate is your smooth-move BFF.

    Magnesium Bisglycinate: Do you daydream about a deep and restorative sleep but can’t figure out why the sand man skips you each night? A lack of Bisglycinate in your system is probably the reason why.

  • Magnesium Taurate: The CDC reports “about 1 in 5 female deaths is due to heart disease.” Taurate is your ticket to reducing blood pressure, regulating blood sugar, and lowering anxiety. 

  • The moral of the story—is more magnesium. Seriously, at least 600 mg daily, so start your Acid-Kicking Magnesium subscription now. Your body and mind will love you for it.

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