Afternoon Snacks

It’s 3:30 p.m., and the kids are home from school and opening every cabinet, desperate for a snack. Instead of just grabbing some food dye-filled processed junk that will make them snarky and destroy their gut health, they find fun, delish, healthy, and grabbable snacks. 

All because you took a few minutes to make a few of Dr. Daryl’s Irresistibly Delicious Afternoon Snacks.

Here are the top 4 my kids and their friends love. Next week, I will share a few more - stay tuned!

Make your own trail mix. The more involved a kid is in their food, the more likely they will eat it. This is a really easy one to let your kid go wild with. Macadamia nuts, raw almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, goji berries, shredded coconut, cacao nibs, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds…whatever they want. Just always try to buy organic.

Apple pie.” Green apples with raw almond butter and a dash of cinnamon.

Berries and cream. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries with coconut butter (great for developing brains) on top, and diced mint.

Better snack bars for on-the-go. No time to stop at home between the office, school pick up, and afterschool sports? Instead of giving them a “protein bar” that has more sugar than a candy bar, keep a box of YES Bars of Chia Bars in your car. This way, you and your kids can actually fuel up on real protein and limited sugar before the next activity. 

Lastly, make sure your kids (who are old enough to easily swallow a capsule) and teens supplement with Acid-Kicking Magnesium.

A magnesium deficiency causes anxiety, muscle cramps, bad sleep, and poor concentration—all things that so many youths (and adults) struggle with in today’s complicated world.

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