🎶 On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 🎶 not a partridge in a pear tree, but a gift of Strength Living™!
In these 12 days until Christmas, join me in making micro-investments in your health. That way, on the big day, you will feel energized, light, and merry—not bloated, sluggish, and drained.
Whether it’s about eating mindfully, taking shots of greens, or hacking your way to phenomenal sleep, these 12 days of healthy habits will keep your holiday spirit bright and your body feeling cheery!
The 12 Days of Christmas (Dr. Daryl’s Version)
Sing with me: On the first day of Christmas, my true love (Aka: you! Always be your own true love and supporter!) gave to me…
Day 1: One adult beverage
Bet you didn’t expect the song to start like this! Go on and enjoy your favorite boozy drink; just make sure to drop in Acid-Kicking Alcohol Alkalizer to neutralize the acid and prevent a hangover so you can continue your 12 days of health!
Day 2: Two bursts of movement a day
Take a brisk 15-minute walk on your lunch break, take a snowy hike, hit the gym, dance with your kids—just get moving because all forms of exercise boost your mood and metabolism.
Day 3: Three-minute gratitude
Take three minutes to jot down what you’re grateful for. Do it with yourself, or even better, gather the family together. In a season of wanting more, this helps you be intentional about keeping your mindset on gratitude for what you have and what truly matters.
Day 4: Four capsules of magnesium
Take four capsules of Acid-Kicking Magnesium to reduce stress, sleep peacefully, ease muscle cramps, strengthen digestion, and elevate brain functionality. If you want to be merry, give your body magnesium!
Day 5: Five servings of organic nutrient-dense vegetables

Just one scoop of Acid-Kicking Greens gives you five servings of the nutrition your body desperately needs to balance out all the festive eating you are doing right now. Maybe add in another scoop tonight if warranted.
Day 6: Six Stretchy Minutes
After reading this blog, don’t do anything else until you stretch for 6 minutes. Focus on your neck, shoulders, and back—areas that hold tension from wrapping gifts or sitting too long. Make it a daily habit, gather the family around before breakfast or whenever works and strreeettcchhhhh!
Day 7: Seven hours of sleep
Revitalizing sleep can solve so many of your problems. I’m serious. Weight gain, anxiety, brain fog, depression, autoimmune diseases, gut issues, most illnesses, and mental fatigue can all be related to the QUALITY of your sleep. Read this blog for my top sleep hacks.
Day 8: Eight glasses of filtered or alkaline water
It’s actually easier to get dehydrated during the winter—house heaters, added boozy beverages, reduced water intake (because you aren’t sweating), etc., all lead to more dehydration and a lowered immune system. Take advantage of my Ultimate Hydration Elixir to stay in tip-top shape all winter.
Day 9: Nine minutes of meditation
Take nine minutes to sit quietly and focus on your breath or a guided meditation. It’s a beautiful way to find peace amidst the holiday chaos. Also, stress is the #1 cause of acid, and mediation is one of the best ways to magically melt the stress away.
Day 10: Ten pages of reading
A real book (I’ll let your Kindle slide). In this crazy busy season, sitting down to do nothing but read a book (ideally by a crackling fire) can be the best gift of all!
Day 11: Eleven deep breaths
Whenever you feel the holiday hustle creeping in, pause for eleven deep breaths. Inhale peace, exhale stress. It’s a simple yet powerful tool to keep calm and carry on. Honestly, after about six breaths, whatever you are stressed about will move into your “I can handle this” category.
Day 12: Twelve acts of kindness
Spread the cheer with small acts of kindness. Compliment a stranger, text an encouraging note to a friend, donate to a local charity, or simply hug your family. Kindness is contagious and healing for both the giver and the receiver.
These things take seconds or minutes to do, but they will make a noticeable difference in your holiday season. But don’t just stop on the 25th; continue giving yourself the gift of merry micro-actions all year round to stay on the nice list 😉.