Back when I was a kid, I used to skip breakfast all the time. I wasn’t particularly hungry, school started early, and I didn’t see the point in eating.
Until about 10am, that is, when my stomach would start growling and my energy level had crashed. That’s when I would head to the vending machine at school and get a candy bar. Breakfast of champions, right? Yikes!
Even if you don’t put your body through the torture I did back then, you might be doing damage without even realizing it. After all, what is one of the most popular portable breakfasts? A banana.
Eating a banana for breakfast – or so many other popular breakfast choices that are similarly high in sugar like cereal, oatmeal, and granola bars – spike your blood sugar levels with little to no fat or protein to keep you going. So that means you’re going to have a quick energy boost, followed by a crash.
That’s when many people reach for another cup of coffee, thinking they’re tired. But that’s like pouring sugar on top of a donut – acid on top of acid – because both sugar-filled foods and coffee are acidic.
There’s got to be a better way to start your day! And there is…
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day – at least in the sense that it’s key to starting your day off right. I completely agree with the old adage, “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, dinner like a pauper.” We would be much better off if all of us ate a big breakfast and a light dinner.
But let’s be honest, most of us don’t live like that these days. We wake up with a full to do list and we need a quick breakfast that will allow us to power through.
That’s why what I’d much rather see you do with a banana is make a smoothie, along with some sources of healthy fat, a protein perhaps, and some mineral-rich greens like spinach or kale. That’s just as portable as a banana, but it will keep you fuller longer and prevent the blood sugar and energy crash.
Whether you go for a smoothie, a breakfast quinoa bowl, or a veggie hash, you want your first meal of the day to be something that will sustain you for several hours. That’s going to keep your blood sugar stabilized, your energy level up, and your mind focused.
But with that said, believe it or not, I actually am okay with skipping breakfast – as long as you skip it right.
What do I mean by “skip it right?”

I mean you can utilize days where you’re too busy to eat breakfast to shift your body into fat-burning mode through intermittent fasting.
We’ve talked about intermittent fasting before, but as a quick refresher, it’s a powerful way to detoxify your body and accelerate weight loss. Not only that, but people who try it report that they sleep better, have more energy, and their mental clarity improves.
What I love most about intermittent fasting is that it resets the metabolism, so your body starts to run on fat for its fuel source, and not on sugar or carbs, which just leads to a vicious cycle of craving more sugar and carbs. By running on fat as fuel instead, your body will burn fat, especially belly fat, which is why it accelerates weight loss.
It’s not a true fast and it’s also not a diet – instead, it’s a limit to the number of hours during the day that you consume food.
What that means is that you select an window – typically an 8-hour window – during the day to eat, and the other 16 hours out of 24 you fast. So for instance, you eat from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and fast after 6:00 in the evening until 10:00 the next morning.
During that 8-hour window, you can eat as much as you want, and you can also eat anything you want. I recommend you strive for the 80/20 alkaline lifestyle as much as possible to achieve the greatest results and stay alkaline.
In other words, make sure your first meal as you break your fast is NOT just a banana or granola bar! Opt for a feast meal with veggies, healthy fats, plant-based protein, and natural sources of fiber.
If you’re new to intermittent fasting, and especially if you want to give it a try instead of eating a sugar-filled breakfast like a banana, I suggest you ease into it.
Below is the pace I recommend to get started, especially for women.
Hormonally, women’s bodies go on high alert with even the first sign of starvation. This is why many women try intermittent fasting and find that it doesn’t work well for them. What they need is a gentler, modified approach and that’s exactly what I advise.
- Start fasting for 12 hours at a time, with a plan to gradually work your way up to 16 hours. So on fasting days, eat between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM, and after a couple of weeks, adjust that to 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM, moving toward the 8-hour window.
Don’t fast every day. Even after you get started successfully, spread fasting days out throughout the week, so fast on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, taking the other days off in between to give your body a chance to recuperate. This way, hormones won’t go into high alert, sending out those hunger signals.
- On fasting days, take it easy. Don’t strain your body with high intensity workouts. Practice yoga, stretching, or meditation instead.
- Don’t deprive yourself. Make sure you eat plenty of food to keep yourself full in between fasts. Enjoy lots of nutrient-dense fats and proteins like avocado and flax seeds, gluten-free carbohydrates like quinoa and sweet potatoes, and plenty of veggies.
- End your fast with a hearty meal.Whether you consider it breakfast or lunch, make your first meal of the day a very satisfying one that fills you up with veggies, healthy fats, plant-based protein, and natural sources of fiber.
- Drink water even when you’re fasting. Make sure you’re staying fully hydrated with well-filtered, alkaline water at all times, especially when you’re fasting. Continue taking supplements like Alkamind Daily Greens during your fasting hours too.
You can also continue to drink herbal tea and black coffee as you fast. Like water, these drinks do not “count” as breaking a fast for the purposes of weight loss, detoxing, or revving up your metabolism.
With that said, I always recommend you add a scoop of Acid-Kicking Coffee Alkalizer to your black coffee because otherwise you’re putting a serious dose of acid into an empty stomach.
Acid-Kicking Coffee Alkalizer, a powder supplement that turns creamy and
slightly sweet when you add it to your coffee, keeps you in fasting, alkalizing, and detoxing mode.
It delivers plant-based, clean keto fats, acid-fighting minerals, pure Himalayan pink mineral salts, and enzymes to optimize brain-boosting energy, suppress hunger, and burn body fat throughout your day.
Plus it tastes delicious in 4 yummy flavors – Salted Caramel, Mocha, Vanilla and NEW BLACK! Try it today or Subscribe & Save 15%!
Dr. Daryl