Your gut is endlessly trying to find its way out of a haunted house, not just on Halloween night but 24/7. Here are just a few of the scary, spooky monsters coming for it:
People wear scary hazmat suits to protect themselves from the chemicals they are spraying on the produce your family will soon eat. Your tap water is oozing frightful chemicals, and your lotion is seeping toxins through your skin and flowing around your bloodstream.
TOXINS are everywhere and consistently attacking your gut.
On top of all that, we are all dealing with the stress of inflation, elections, losing jobs to AI, marriage with kids, personal lives, etc.
Your world is more toxic than ever in human history, and trying to stay healthy in 2024 often feels like navigating a minefield. Yet, with the right tools and mindset, achieving optimal health IS possible.
The key to this lies in the health of your GUT.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said it best – “Look to the GUT, for it’s where all disease begins.” He was way ahead of his time and 100% correct.
95% of your serotonin (your happy, feel-good hormone) and 80% of your nervous and immune systems LIVE in your GUT. When those symptoms are down, your body is vulnerable to physical and mental diseases and illnesses.
THIS is why I am constantly talking about gut health. Today, taking care of your gut is no longer just “a health trend”—it’s an essential requirement.
It’s all about the gut.
From start to finish, all your issues stem from your gut. Here’s an example: Your body’s first line of defense is stomach acid. As you get older, you produce less stomach acid, and that causes 3 massive problems:
- Low stomach acid leads to not being able to digest your food as well, which means your cells cannot ABSORB the nutrition. It doesn’t matter how many kale salads you eat if your body does NOT fully absorb it.
- Low stomach acid leads to more food sensitivities since your body can’t break things down as it used to.
- Low stomach acid then becomes a “free entry” for stealth gut infections lurking in your food, water, air, etc. They get a “free pass” through your stomach because of the lack of hydrochloric acid and end up in your microbiome—causing all sorts of damage.
Your gut is an intricate system working around the clock to protect you from harmful invaders—when it is strong and healthy. But as you can see in today’s world, your gut is under attack 24/7!
Signs of Leaky Gut
The toxins, food sensitivities, and stealth gut infections you encounter daily pass the stomach’s acid barrier, attack the gut lining, and trigger a cascade of health issues. This process drives up inflammation, disrupts the balance of good and bad bacteria (a condition known as dysbiosis), and leads to leaky gut—aka the cause of many downstream health issues including…

- Bloating and digestive issues
- Food sensitivities
- Thyroid conditions
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Anxiety, depression, and mood challenges
- Anemia
- Joint pain
- Chronic headaches
- Skin issues
- Autoimmune conditions
We ALL have some level of Leaky Gut, and gut health should be a top priority—since it controls your health, happiness, and longevity.
It’s all connected, and it all starts in your gut.
Heal & Seal Your Gut
This 5-step strategy is one of the first things I do with all my clients because if their gut isn’t healed and sealed (to protect them from diseases and illness), nothing else I do will work.
I highly suggest you do the same, especially if you have taken antibiotics in the past few years.
- Bioactive Silver Hydrosol & Liquid Aloe Vera: Add 1 tablespoon of each of these into a glass and take it 3 times a day on an empty stomach. It’ll help seal and heal the gut and kill bad pathogens.
- MegaSporBiotic: Take two spore-based probiotics at your biggest meal. This will help restore your microbiome and bring the good bacteria back to your gut. You get 1/1,000,000 of the probiotics that your ancestors used to get. No wonder we are all suffering from so many gut issues. These probiotics are gut-friendly, with a protective shell ensuring they survive stomach acidity to reach the gut fully intact without needing refrigeration.
- Acid Kicking Minerals: These minerals will alkalize your gut and should be taken daily to fight inflammation, ease anxiety, power up your sleep, and boost your immune system. Start your subscription (and save 15%) here.
- Acid Kicking Greens: My blend of 21 raw and organic greens revitalizes and energizes your entire body. Find out why it’s my #1 hack for busy people via this blog, and start your subscription (and save 15%) here.
For more gut health tips, tricks, and insights delivered to your daily scrolling, please follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Today, CHOOSE to be the gut health advocate you and your family have always wanted and needed. YOU GOT THIS!