There’s been a lot of hype around the coronavirus, and quite a few of my patients have been asking me if I am worried.
The short answer is no, I’m not highly worried. But like anything in life, I always want to be prepared and I want you to be prepared!
If you want to know more about the coronavirus and stay on top of updates, you can read the CDC summary here and their basic prevention and hand washing guidelines here.
The best way to be prepared is to keep your IMMUNE SYSTEM strong and healthy!
Whether it’s this new coronavirus, the flu, or even the common cold, illness and disease is going to put a foothold in the terrain that’s ready to receive it.
This is why many people who have had life-threatening reactions to this virus are over the age of 80, smoke, or have serious health conditions.
A seed doesn’t grow in concrete. But it flourishes in fertile soil ready to receive it.
I often say rats will only appear when there’s trash. You can try to poison and kill off the rats, but guess what? More rats will come back! Because the true cause of the problem – the trash – was never cleaned up in the first place.
So how do we prevent a rat infestation? Take out the trash!
There are many things we can give the body to INCREASE immunity, and we’ll talk about my 7-step protocol below in detail. But the most important first step is to figure out what’s compromising the function of your immune system.
The #1 answer for most people is SUGAR.
Did you know that blood labs show evidence of a lowered immune system within 30 minutes of eating simple sugars (like glucose, refined sugar, and fructose), causing a 50% reduction in your white blood cells’ ability to kill germs?
White blood cells are our “army” cells that fight off germs. This is because sugar depletes your body of the nutrients it needs to support the immune system like vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione. This effect is most noticeable 2 hours after ingestion, but is still present 5 hours later!
Getting off sugar has been shown to improve immune system activity immediately. So this should be your TOP OF MIND strategy to stay protected.
Join me and 40+ health experts for a FREE online summit with one mission - get you down off this mountain of sugar that you’re stranded on...
The Get Off Your Sugar Summit (free and online) kicks off March 23rd, but sign up now to save in your spot and get thousands of $$$ worth of free bonuses, including this guide:
Unlock my 10 Plant-Based Keto Recipes to help you BOOST IMMUNITY and GET OFF YOUR SUGAR!When you download this free guide, you’ll automatically be registered for The Get Off Your Sugar Summit.
I want to reiterate that getting off sugar is the #1 most powerful thing you can do to strengthen your immune system. Along with basic precautions like getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and washing your hands, this is going to go a long way to helping you prevent all kinds of illnesses.
With that said, let’s proceed with the 7 other important things you can do to protect yourself and your family. First, I’ll tell you about the 7 components and then I’ll give you a schedule to easily fit them into your day.
My 7-Step Protocol for Powerful Immune Defense
- Sovereign Silver – This is a powerful natural antibiotic, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal that comes in 2 forms, a mouth spray a nasal spray.
- Mouth Spray: 15 sprays in your mouth daily, swish around for 20 seconds, and then swallow.
- Nasal Spray: If you ever start feeling any congestion, sniffles, post-nasal drip, you can use this in addition to the 15 sprays in your mouth. Do 5 sprays in each nostril as you breathe in through the nose, then blow your nose right after. This kills all virus and bacteria on demand.
- Liposomal Vitamin C – This is the fastest absorbing vitamin C to boost immune function.
Directions: Take 2 capsules with your first meal of the day, and then 1 capsule with your second meal.
Note: In addition to daily vitamin C, I get vitamin C and immune boosting IV’s monthly, which are good for prevention (plus, research shows IV-delivered vitamin C is the most powerful prevention for sepsis, a complication that can be related to infections like influenza and coronavirus.
- Black Seed Oil – This is 3 times stronger than turmeric and ours, Alkamind Daily Cumin3X, is 3 times stronger than any other black seed oil. It also has 1,000 more active antioxidants than vitamin E and Echinacea. I don’t say this to sell our product – I’m not trying to profit off this illness – but it really is the best quality supplement you can buy and I want to guard you with all of the information.
Directions: Take 1 capsule daily with food.
- Liquid Vitamin D3 – The #1 cause of flu and upper respiratory infection is vitamin D3 deficiency. I recommend one with extra virgin olive oil. Spending at least 20 minutes outdoors engaging in physical activity is also a good idea to boost vitamin D.
Directions: Put 20 drops on your tongue daily with or without food. I don’t count to 20, I just grab as much of a dropper full and squirt in my mouth – more is better right now.
- Daily Greens Green Juice Powder – This is a powerful antioxidant, blood builder, and detoxifier. It’s going to fight inflammation anywhere in the body, which allows your immune system to function optimally. Viruses and bacteria can’t survive in a high-alkaline oxygenated state. Ours is the best mix of wheatgrass to other green superfoods in the most digestible form, but again, it’s not about making money. I’d rather you take any quality greens powder than none at all.
Directions: Add 1 scoop of Daily Greens to 8 ounces of water every morning upon waking.
- Propolis – This is an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal with anti-inflammatory properties. You don’t want to skip this one – it’s very powerful.
Directions: Take 10 drops in mouth daily. The stronger immune formula of Propolis is very bitter, so if needed, mix with ¼ tsp. of manuka honey.
- Probiotic – This is going to support your microbiome health and build a defense of good bacteria. Buy a quality supplement and place it in your refrigerator or freezer.
Directions: Take 1 capsule daily with food.
My Daily Protocol Schedule
Upon Waking:
- 1 scoop of Daily Greens in water
- Follow with 15 sprays of Sovereign Silver in your mouth, swish for 20 seconds, and then swallow.
First Meal of Your Day:
- 1 black seed oil capsule
- 2 Liposomal Vitamin C capsules
- 1 probiotic capsule
Second Meal of Your Day:
- 1 Liposomal Vitamin C capsule
- 1 probiotic capsule
- Vitamin D3 (20 drops = 10,000 IU, but I don’t count. Just squeeze the dropper to draw as much as you can, then squirt in mouth and swallow.)
- 10 drops of Propolis in mouth (if too bitter, mix with ¼ tsp. of manuka honey)
Drinking 5 servings of alkaline greens like Alkamind Daily Greens in water is the very first thing you should do EVERY morning when you wake up. There is no better way to energize, IMMUNIZE, and kick-start your day.
Did you know that the #1 ingredient in our greens is organic wheatgrass? It’s actually over half wheatgrass.
We’ve combined that with cabbage, collard greens, parsley, romaine, dandelion, beets, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, and celery. So by taking your Daily Greens first thing every morning, you’re getting a dose of the most powerful, alkaline food on the planet!
That’s why reviewers say…
“Gives me more energy and helps me to transition to a cleaner lifestyle. Lifetime purchaser here. –Robert M.
“It tastes good & I have noticed my energy has stabilized. No afternoon dips. Also, my added sugar craving has waned. I use to eat chocolate & cake almost daily. Especially around that 3PM slump but since I started drinking this I've found myself not really craving sweets. I would call it a miracle!” –Chakriya L.
“Killed my sugar and caffeine cravings in a flash. Love the taste! And I feel like my skin looks amazing.” –Keri S.
What are you waiting for? Get your Alkamind Daily Greens today!
1 comment
Thank you Dr Gioffre for the sound advise