The Ultimate List of Healthy Fats & How to Eat Them
Even in 2018, so many people are afraid to eat fat in our society. The decades of scare-tactics from the sugar industry was successful at giving fat a bad name.
But the truth is, there’s no reason to fear the fat, ESPECIALLY if you are looking to lose weight.
We need fat in our diet and in fact, it’s nutritious for us – if we’re getting the right fats.
There are fats that heal… And fats that kill.
And that’s what we’re going to talk about today: what the good fats are and how to get plenty of them, while avoiding the bad fats that do so much damage to our health, both in the short and long term.
Let’s start by breaking down the different terms you hear about fat so we’re all on the same page about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Different Types Of Fats
There are 4 main types of fats that we eat: saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and trans fats. With the exception of trans fats, which are always terrible for you, you’ll find both good and bad fats within the other 3 types.
So it’s important that you know your stuff, rather than just fearing the fat. Let’s break down the different types:
Saturated Fats
These get a very bad wrap, but the truth is, there are different types of saturated fats. Some deserve a bad wrap, whereas others are actually really good for you and a vital part of your diet.
Animal based – These are the saturated fats that give all of them a bad name. This category contains dairy products, meat, junk food, eggs, and many dessert foods. This is the artery-clogging fat you want to cut down on or even avoid completely.
Plant based – Healthy saturated fats are medium-chain triglycerides (aka. MCTs), which are found in coconut oil and MCT oil.

They are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant buffers of acid that help reset your body’s metabolism to burn fat and move away from burning sugar as the primary source of fuel.
MCTs are unique fatty acids that are easily digested and have numerous health benefits. Our bodies send these types of fats straight to the liver where they can be easily converted into energy or ketone bodies, which are actually great fuel for the brain, and they’ve been proven to have a therapeutic impact on brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s.
Monounsaturated Fats
These fats, also known as Omega-9 fatty acids, are excellent sources of fat. They reduce the risk of heart disease, protect against diabetes, and may reduce the risk of cancer. They also improve your mood and make it easier to lose weight.
You’ll find monounsaturated fats in avocados, olives, extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, macadamia nuts, and almonds. In general, the Western diet gets plenty of Omega-9 fats.
Polyunsaturated Fats
Even more important than the distinction between healthy and unhealthy saturated fats is the distinction between the 2 different kinds of polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6.
Omega-6 fats are pro-inflammatory, and Omega-3 fats have an anti-inflammatory effect. The omega-6 fats are linoleic acid (LA) and arachidonic acid [LINK TO POST 1 ABOVE ONCE LIVE] (AA), which are found in animal products.
You’ll find unhealthy Omega-6 fats, which you want to minimize, in:

Hydrogenated vegetable oils
Safflower oil
Sunflower oil
Grape seed oil
Soy and soybean oil
Mayonnaise and store bought salad dressings
C orn and canola oil
Peanuts, peanut butter, and peanut oil
Farmed fish, including salmon
Cookies, crackers, candy, frozen pizza, granola/granola bars, pastries, popcorn and other processed foods
Most Americans consume a heavily acidic diet high in Omega-6 fats, which leads to chronic and excessive inflammation, and the result is chronic disease. Because your brain is primarily fat, a diet that heavily favors Omega-6 fats causes inflammation in your brain.
In addition, a diet that favors Omega-6 fats will trigger greater fat storage. Many studies show animals fed a diet high in Omega-6 fats will become fatter than animals on a non-Omega-6 diet with identical calories.
If you have been trying to lose some weight and have been unsuccessful, bringing your Omega-6:Omega-3 ratio into balance may be the answer.
Omega-3 fats are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which are plant-based, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which are animal based. Omega-3 fats are ESSENTIAL, which means your body does not make them, so therefore, you need to get them from your diet.
Most Americans do not get enough Omega-3 fatty acids from the foods we eat, which is why supplementation is necessary for most people.
Aim for 7-10 servings of these fats every day. Ideas on how to use them are included below. Always buy organic when available.
Almonds (in moderation due to high Omega-6 content)
Pecans – Raw Pumpkin Pie
Macadamia Nuts – eat raw as a snack
Pine Nuts – in alkaline pesto sauce
Hazelnuts – add to smoothies
Pistachios (in moderation due to their potential to mold)
Brazil Nuts – great source of selenium so eat as many as you want!
Coconut Meat – add to smoothies
Walnuts (in moderation due to high Omega-6 content) – Alkaline Granola
Unsweetened Coconut Flakes – sprinkle over breakfast porridge
Cashews (in moderation due to potential to mold. Note, I ONLY use these for chia pudding)
Cacao Nibs – Frozen Chocolate Tropical Monkey
homemade alkaline trail mix with raw almonds, unsweetened coconut flakes, cacao nibs, goji berries, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, etc

Chia Seeds – Vanilla Coconut Chia Pudding
Flax Seeds and Flax Meal (in moderation because high in Omega-6 fats)
Psyllium Seed Husks – add to your smoothies before blending
HulledSeeds – Avocado with Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds – sprinkle on creamy alkaline soups
Sesame Seeds – add to Asian veggie noodle dishes
Black Cumin Seeds – toss on a salad, massively anti-inflammatory
Sunflower Seeds (in small amounts due to high Omega-6 content)
Safflower Seeds (in small amounts due to high Omega-6 Content)
Almond Butter – add to smoothies
Coconut Butter – use in place of butter in any baking recipe
Cacao Butter – use in desserts in place of chocolate
Macadamia Butter – spread on Ezekiel bread
Tahini – Ginger Cinnamon Fruit with Sweet Tahini Dip
NUT MILKS (note, when buying in store, buy free of carrageenan and cane sugar)
Coconut Milk (from a carton or full-fat BPA-free can) – use to make curry sauces
Milk – use in smoothies
Almond Milk (in moderation due to high Omega-6 content)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil – the base of a sauce for zucchini noodles
Avocado Oil – drizzle over a chilled alkaline soup
Black Cumin Oil – use in a salad dressing for a unique, savory flavor, or consume 1 tbsp a day
Macadamia Oil – swap for butter or oil in any sweet dish
Sesame Oil (in moderation due to high Omega-6 content) – use in Asian dishes
Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil – Quinoa Coconut Power Breakfast
MCT Oil – add directly to smoothies
Avocados – Alkaline Caprese Appetizers
Olives – add to quinoa bowls for Mediterranean flare
Purslane – use this weed in salads as a lettuce
Microalgae – make a simple seaweed salad with sesame seeds
Salmon – buy wild-caught from Alaska or Pacific Northwest
Herring – follow my fish-buying tips
Trout – roast in the oven with extra virgin olive oil and lemon
Anchovies – top a salad with them
Sardines – along with anchovies and mackerel, sardines are how we make the best Omega-3 supplement you can buy.

What’s our secret to being the best?
Alkamind has the ONLY fish oil in the world that provides you with the IDEAL 2:1 ratio of EPA to DHA (this ratio is what the research shows to reduce the most inflammation in your body) in a highly-concentrated, purified form (our oil is molecular distilled, by triple organically purification)
That means you can TAKE LESS, but GET MORE. I can take 1/3 the number of softgels I need with other brands!
If you have any doubts take my FISH OIL CHALLENGE. Post your fish oil on my GET OFF YOUR ACID Facebook page and I will compare the differences.
Alkamind Daily Omega-3 will ensure you’re getting plenty of healthy fats to balance out the unhealthy ones so prevalent in our modern diet.