Fear the fat; eat all the fat you can. Don’t eat meat; eat mostly animal protein…does this sound familiar? Conflicting and confusing dieting messages? It is hard to know what to believe!
To make matters worse, there are real consequences for our actions (or inaction) regarding what we eat.
For decades Americans have been told to eat a “low fat” diet to lose weight and avoid heart disease. But, clearly, it is NOT WORKING! Our rates of obesity, heart disease, cancer, and many other disorders are soaring to epidemic levels!
The biggest problem is…drum rollll…being vegetarian or vegan!
YES, you read that correctly; being an (unhealthy) vegetarian or vegan is the problem! Many of the sickest people on the planet are vegetarians!
Because being a vegan or vegetarian usually (but not always) means eating some or all of the following:
- Highly-refined grains and starches
- Processed meat substitutes made from soy, etc.
- A primarily wheat-based diet
- Lots of sugar
- Pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fats
If that’s not bad enough, what vegans don’t eat is a problem. They don’t get the essential fatty acids found in meat, seafood, and dairy products that can’t be replaced with vegan-friendly options.
While people think they are being super healthy, their diets are actually causing:
- Sagging skin and wrinkles
- Dry, dull hair, skin, and nails
- Arthritis
- Intolerance to cold
- Dry skin and eczema
- Brain fog and memory problems
- Depression and anxiety
- Compromised immune system
- Weakened muscles
In short, a vegan or vegetarian diet exacerbates aging. This could be shocking for many since most people are vegans or vegetarians to reverse the aging process!
3 reasons why vegans and vegetarians age faster
Here is a quick breakdown of why vegans and vegetarians are literally breaking down faster:
A carb-based diet. I call them “carbotarians.” They replace meat, seafood, and dairy products with bread, starches, and meat substitutes. All of which are acidic and high in sugar, and filled with processed stuff. The constant influx of sugar causes a massive spike in insulin levels, leading you down the path to insulin sensitivity, and, ultimately, chronic disease.

Omega 6 fatty acids are found in foods like baked goods, margarine, soy, and vegetable oils. These fatty acids are PRO-INFLAMMATORY and are highly acid-forming in your body. They compete with the same enzymes as your Omega 3s do, and they literally fuel inflammation and chronic disease in the body!
One of the most important numbers you may have heard me talking about lately is the Omega 6: Omega 3 ratio.
This ratio is being dubbed the ‘new cholesterol’ and, next to the pH of your blood, is one of the most critical numbers you need to know about. Yet, how many of your doctors have tested you for it? The ratio should ideally be 1:1, and no more than 4:1. However, the average American has 19x more of the pro-inflammatory Omega 6 fats compared to Omega 3s!!
Fish oil contains two key elements – DHA and EPA. DHA is so critical for a healthy brain, and for the growth and development of your children and their nervous systems. EPA is the part of fish oil that fights inflammation.
THERE ARE NO VEGETARIAN SOURCES OF EPA! This also leads to belly fat and difficulty losing weight.
Ok, let’s great REAL!
I mean it. I have the privilege of knowing a few people who are in their 90s who you would think are decades younger than they are. They move easily without much joint pain, their skin has few wrinkles, and they still have a lot of color and vibrancy in their faces.
Their secret: they’ve eaten REAL food their whole lives.
They haven’t gotten caught up in low-fat this or low-carb that many others have. And they’ve kept their bodies moving, so their lymphatic systems keep working well.
Q: Dr. Daryl…help! How should I be eating?!
A: Aim for an 80/20 “Alkalarian” (An Alkamind version of a “vegetarian” lifestyle)! Eating 80% healthy, real foods and 20% whatever you want. Remember: “eating perfectly” isn’t realistic and doesn’t last.
Here’s what it looks like to eat Alkalarian:
Mostly plants – dark, leafy greens like kale, spinach, watercress, and chards, and other veggies high in chlorophyll like broccoli, peas, green beans, leeks, herbs, asparagus, etc.
All real foods – Basically, foods that are grown in the ground—not made in a warehouse! Fresh fruits and veggies, beans and lentils, all sorts of seeds and nuts, and so forth. When you go grocery shopping, pick up foods that can be found in the perimeter. Most of the boxes stacked in the center aisles are just processed junk.
Plenty of healthy fats – avocado, coconut, chia, flax, almonds, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, nut butters (cacao, almond, coconut), and oils such as EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), avocado, black cumin, and macadamia nut oil. I stay clear of the oils that have a propensity to oxidize quickly, such as flax, chia (though the seeds are fine).
Eating this way will noticeably slow the effects of aging and keep you looking younger—longer! It will also sweeten the deal by giving you boundless energy and better overall health!
Isn’t that what we all want as we get older? Age really can be just a number!
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