Last year, over 147 MILLION people viewed my #InternalShower shot across social media and countless articles. Click here to check it out.
Since then, I have been researching, experimenting, and innovating to formulate an even BETTER and more effective gut healing tonic — because the reality is 42 million Americans suffer from daily constipation, and even MORE from bloating, so the more tools you have in your arsenal, the more equipped you will be to feel and function better.
If you are like me, you always ask, “WHY?” Why do I feel tired, constipated, bloated, or blah? I won't settle for basic answers; I keep researching and asking why. My family deserves the best, and YOU are part of my family.
From my decades of research, we, myself and leading health experts, have concluded that the gut is where ALL disease begins, and we need to start taking better care of it. We all literally need a gut check because it plays a vital role in:
- Nutrient absorption: Eating veggies and taking supplements all day long doesn’t do anything if your gut is too sick to absorb them.
- Immune function: 80% of your immune system lives in your gut. If you want to fight off illness and disease, STRENGTHEN your gut.
- Mood regulation: 95% of your serotonin, your happy feel-good hormone, is NOT made in your brain, but rather in your GUT. The health of your gut plays a MAJOR role in depression, brain fog, anxiety, and other neurological disorders. If your gut can’t properly remove toxins, they get sent to your brain and other parts of the body.
This is WHY DETOXIFICATION is the secret to healing and restoring your gut.
By nourishing your gut and washing it clean of toxins my NEW INTERNAL SHOWER 2.0, you will safeguard against inflammation and disease while restoring your gut's natural balance. Bloating, constipation, chronic fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, and skin problems are just a few ways your body is shouting it’s overrun by toxins.
Here’s the new recipe and the best part, it’s only THREE ingredients plus a blender. You don’t even need to add a liquid, how cool is that!

It’s literally as Easy As 1, 2, 3.
- A peeled grapefruit
- A cucumber
- A ½ bunch of cilantro (or mint if cilantro is not your thing)
Blend, and drink on an empty stomach, as you sip your way to a healthier gut and more energetic life!
The science:
Grapefruit: It’s acidic outside the body, but once you metabolize it (drink it), grapefruit is highly alkaline and forms in the gut. It’s LOW in sugar, and HIGH in minerals, that will neutralize all the acid and toxins in your gut, lowering inflammation. It will gently increase the hydrochloric acid levels in your stomach, which helps you better digest your proteins, fats, and carbs better.
Cucumber: It’s high in anti-inflammatory properties (flavonoids) that will lower inflammation in your gut. Cucumbers are also hydrating and towering with fiber. The fiber moves things along, giving you the internal shower effect.
Cilantro: It’s a heavy metal chelator, meaning it will bind to other toxins in your gut and safely eliminate them. It also has powerful antimicrobial effects, eradicating bad bacteria, viruses, and molds that drive up inflammation and cause Leaky Gut.
- Cut the skin off of the grapefruit and chop it into a few pieces.
- Peel the cucumber and cut it into smaller pieces.
- And add it all into a blender, along with cilantro (or mint).
- Drink on an empty stomach. You will be delighted by just how good this combo smells and tastes.
Note - if it is a bit too bitter for you, add ½ tsp of alcohol-free vanilla, or a teaspoon of cinnamon.
Acid-Kicking Gut Detox Programs
If you want to take your detoxing a step further (actually a giant leap), then commit to a quick 3-Day or full body reset 10-Day Acid-Kicking Gut Detox Program.
Even though you live in a highly toxic world (toxins in foods, beauty products, cleaners, etc.), and you may have had too much merriment in December, you still have the power to take back control your health today.
Instead of the damaging deprivation and starvation programs, my detox programs restore, balance, and strengthen your body and mind.
Winter “sick season” is here, but it doesn’t have to come for you. Start an Acid-Kicking Gut Detox today so that your gut is strong enough to fight off illnesses, extra lbs, seasonal depression, etc. It’s time for a cleanse that restores, balances, and strengthens.