Oat milk. It’s everywhere these days.
There are a few things to like about oat milk. But there’s a lot to dislike as well.
Today, I’m going to wade into the controversy surrounding this new vegan milk alternative that is everywhere from coffee houses to grocery store shelves.
You may have heard celebrities tout the benefits of oat milk, but I’m going to let you in on why I doubt many celebrities are actually drinking much oat milk, if any.
It has to do with the amount and type of sugar in oat milk. But that’s not the only problem. Find out the 3 problems with oat milk and what to use instead in your smoothies, coffee, and what you give your kids.
Let’s get started.
Why Oat Milk is Better Than Cow’s Milk
You know I’m all for making small choices that are incrementally better for your health. It’s not all or nothing. Every little bit helps.
Oat milk does have a few things working in its favor that make it a BETTER choice than cow’s milk.
For one, it contains no dairy products. It’s vegan and even gluten free. So it is an improvement on cow’s milk in the sense that you aren’t getting the ACID and other harmful components of dairy.
People believe milk makes bones strong. The fact is, dairy leaches calcium from bones. When you drink milk, you’re also getting a dose of antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, and painkillers. That’s because 80% of all antibiotics in the US are fed to livestock. Finally, milk contains casein, a milk protein that is difficult for humans to digest, but has been linked to cancer, especially breast cancer in women. So at least oat milk doesn’t have those problems.
Also in its favor is that like other milk alternatives, oat milk is fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which promotes absorption of calcium. Considering 4 in 10 Americans are vitamin D deficient, that’s a good thing too.
The Problems with Oat Milk
There are 3 main problems with the newest and trendiest milk alternative. And if you’re thinking about giving oat milk a try, you need to know these facts before you buy.
The first problem is that like many milk and milk alternatives, oat milk contains sugar. This is never a good thing. 7 or even more grams of added, unnecessary sugar is a lot, regardless.
Now, you might be thinking, “I only use unsweetened milks. So no problem, right?”
Wrong. Sorry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I want you to have the facts.
Now, you might be thinking, “I only use unsweetened milks. So no problem, right?”
Wrong. Sorry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I want you to have the facts.
No added sugar does not mean no sugar! The process big food corporations use to create oat milk creates sugars all on its own.
This is why some have called for companies to stop claiming their oat milks are “no sugar added” when in fact they have sugar. The FDA even weighed in and agreed that these products should label the sugar as added sugar.
But the problem goes beyond that. The sugar added to oat milk is one of the worst types that you could consume. It’s called maltose, and the reason it’s among the worst sugars is that it has a glycemic index of 105, which means it skyrockets blood sugar levels immediately upon consuming it.
Compare that to lactose with a glycemic index between 15 and 30, and fructose (the worst sugar of them all) with a glycemic index of 19. And then remember that even those glucose levels will spike blood sugar. So imagine what 105 will do!
It’s even worse than soda, which has a glycemic index of 65-75.
When blood glucose levels spike, the pancreas releases more and more insulin in order to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. If this happens long enough and often enough, it becomes a chronic inflammatory issue, leading to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and susceptibility to common illnesses. Weight gain, especially belly fat, is more likely as well.
But the sugar in oat milk is only problem #1. The second problem is the oats themselves.
You might have noticed that I mentioned that oat milk is gluten free. But it is not GRAIN free. My recommendation is to avoid all grains as much as possible.
Did you know that ALL grains have the ability to become contaminated with fungal mycotoxins, which are toxic forms of fungus that have long-term, serious health effects including immune deficiency and certain cancers?
Well, which organs in the body are MOST affected by an inflammatory diet? We know from extensive research that the answer is the heart and brain. That’s why there are links between omega-6 fat consumption and both heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Well, guess which type of fatty acids can be found in grains. You guessed it… inflammatory omega-6 fats!
And now guess what the second ingredient in most oat milk is…
Processed Oils
The third problem with oat milk is that it’s made with industrial-processed seed oils like canola oil, rapeseed oil, and sunflower oil. All of these oils are high in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids.
So you’re getting a double-whammy of inflammatory fats with your supposedly “healthy” milk alternative, plus sugar and grains on top of that.
Bottom line?
Skip the oat milk. Stick with coconut milk, almond milk, or the nut milk of your choice.
[Read: Nut Milk Brands: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly]
And don’t forget, you do want to choose a nut milk that’s fortified with calcium and vitamin D3. But with that said, even a fortified nut milk does not supply enough vitamin D to prevent a deficiency.
Many people take vitamin D supplements, which is good because 42% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. But most vitamin D supplements are lacking the powerful key to put calcium to good use in the right place – your bones.
In fact, even if you get lots of dietary calcium, your body will actually LEECH it from the bones, rather than driving additional calcium there without this powerful key.
What is this powerful key to utilizing vitamin D3 and calcium? Vitamin K2, a nutrient that plays an essential role in many aspects of health. And yet, like vitamin D, diet alone does not provide most people with enough.
D3+K2 are stronger together! Not only will this powerful combination provide you with bone health both today and long-term, it will also strengthen your immune system and boost your heart health.
Our new D3+K2 plant-based liquid supplement is made from the highest quality sources of D3 and K2, called MK-7, along with organic oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, and vitamin E to increases bioavailability, absorption, and assimilation. There has never been a better D3 supplement available anywhere.
Try new Acid-Kicking D3+K2 now in Unflavored or Mint!
Dr. Daryl