Let’s face it… We are living through an unprecedented time in our world and all of us are feeling the strain of the coronavirus in one way or another.
And all of that change and strain leads to one thing: STRESS!
Whether it’s concern about your health, worries about loved ones who are more susceptible to COVID-19, financial woes, or having kids out of school, it’s likely that your stress levels are running at an all-time high.
But unless you are okay with letting acid build up in your system, it’s vitally important that you take the necessary steps to allow your body to ADAPT to the physical, chemical, emotional, and mental stresses that we are facing right now.
Today, I want to talk more about emotional stress, because the acid that stress causes in your body outweighs a million times to one any effect that food or drinks can cause.
Stress can literally poison the brain and the body. It leads to a build up of free radicals, the potentially cancer-causing, Alzheimer’s-inducing atoms that damage DNA and age your cells.
So when you’re stressed, your body is accelerating the aging process, which leads to all kinds of bad effects on your health that you don’t want, including serious diseases and metabolic changes.
If at any point during this crisis, you’ve felt like it’s taking good years off your life or turning your hair gray, you might just be right.
That’s why it’s vitally important that you prevent stress where you can and lessen its impact where you can’t prevent it.
10 Easy Ways to Combat Stress Right Now

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to forget yourself for a few minutes while you do something for someone else. Maybe you can buy food at the grocery store for a neighbor. Maybe you can buy a gift card to the local shop you want to support. Maybe you can reach out to a friend who has lost their job. Taking action will reduce their stress level and yours too.
Did you know that 70% of the acids and toxins inside of your body are removed through your lungs? That includes acid caused by stress, which again, causes more acid build up than anything you could eat or drink.
Breathing can also reduce stress in other powerful ways – it can lower blood pressure, slow the heartbeat, energize your muscles, and change your pH within 1 to 3 minutes.
Here’s the Power Breathing 3:6:5 technique from my book. Stop and do this anytime you’re feeling stressed out and try to do it at least once daily.
If you get your body moving for at least 10 to 20 minutes every day, you’ll cut your stress load. I know that may be hard right now if you can’t get to the gym or you’re taking care of kids 24/7, but even a walk outside will really help your mental health. Do a yoga video in your living room. Chase the dog around the yard.
If you can work up a good sweat, you’ll actually start to release the toxins and acid that have built up over time in your body. One thing you can do in your home is my favorite acid-crushing exercise, the rebounder.
Most importantly, put down your phone. Yes, you want to stay informed, but all of the news-consumption and Twitter feed refreshing can add MORE stress to your plate. If you feel your blood pressure rising or fear is creeping up, it’s time for a pattern interrupt. Get off the screen and go outside, do some 3:6:5 Power Breathing, try a new yoga pose, or pick up a book you can lose your thoughts in.

What does drinking water have to do with fighting stress?
The average person loses 2.5 to 3 liters of water daily, and that’s from everyday activities like walking, eating, and sleeping. Add exercise into this mix, and you can tack on another liter to that statistic.
If your body is dehydrated – and it’s a fact that 90% of Americans are chronically dehydrated – it’s got to work that much harder to do everything that’s required of it. That’s how chronic dehydration can lead to getting sick. The body is too busy compensating for a deficient amount of water to fight off illnesses.
To avoid dehydration, drink 3 to 4 liters of good, pure alkaline water every day. If you want to get more specific for yourself, drink half of your body weight in ounces daily. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, drink 70 ounces of water every day.
I know how it is when you’re stressed… you want to eat comfort foods, chocolate, and junk foods (aka acid). But your body wants you to do the complete opposite!
In fact, your body needs you to eat the best foods at fighting the free radicals and acidity caused by stress. Foods that fight acid contain alkaline minerals, and antioxidants like lycopene, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids.
Top free radical fighters include raw almonds, kale, spinach, cucumbers, celery, carrots, broccoli, grapefruit, lemons and limes, and healthy fats like avocados, chia seeds and flax.
So if you’re stressed, make yourself a smoothie with kale, berries, some healthy fat, and a nut milk and all of those healthy nutrients will go to work for you.
7.Eat Fewer Acidic Foods
If your body is fighting stress, you don’t want it to have to work hard to break down your food too. So you want to avoid the acid-forming foods that are tougher for the body to digest like dairy and meat.
The same goes for other highly acidic foods like sugar, coffee, and alcohol
So in other words, a glass of wine, double shot latte, or chocolate milkshake might sound like a good idea when you’re stressed out, but it’s actually the opposite of what you want to do to an already overly-taxed system.
Meditation is another sure-fire way to manage stress and train your brain to be less worried about things all of the time. The art of meditation and clearing your mind is basically a glorified way to get your mind to shut the heck up!
Several popular meditation apps are free right now so what do you have to lose?
You already know getting plenty of sleep will help prevent stress, but sleep is also the time when your body fights off the damaging effects of acid.
Remember the Power Breathing technique above? I use it to help me fall asleep if I’m having a hard time turning my brain off for the night.
If you’re stressed, it’s more important than ever to supplement with really high quality minerals that your body is lacking.
It may help put your mind at ease too. Did you know that getting plenty of magnesium supports a healthy immune system and it’s clinically proven to open up restricted airways to ease breathing and improve lung function?
By taking Alkamind Daily Minerals every night 30 minutes before going to sleep, you’re setting your body up for success so it doesn’t have to do all the hard work of fighting the damaging effects of stress on its own.
Daily Minerals ensures that you get enough magnesium, as well as the right balance of calcium, potassium, and sodium bicarbonate, all from quality sources unlike most other supplements.

“The minerals have kept me off acid reflux medicines now for a few months. It was worth it to buy the bundle to read the booklet, even though I already have his paperback book. I figured out using one of his top food recommendations (aloe) in my water also helps me immensely to keep food/other meds down. These are the most effective supplements. If you have acid reflux, there’s no way you will regret this purchase.” – Stephanie (Verified Buyer)
Dr. Daryl