Recently, this story ran in The Washington Post and surprised a lot of folks: “Sports drinks aren’t ‘recharging’ your kids. They’re just pumping them full of sugar.”
Gatorade, Powerade, and the other sports drinks on the market aren’t in the business of refueling you and your family after working out. They’re in the business of making money. And they’re very successful at it. According to the article, it’s a nearly $7 billion business each year!
They’ve convinced Americans that after working out, we need to replenish electrolytes along with a boatload of sugar and artificial sweeteners, to recharge. The truth is, no one needs sugar to recharge!
In fact, no one needs sugar…EVER!
The article points out that kids and teens (and this applies to adults too) “rarely, if ever, lose enough electrolytes during their athletic endeavors to require extra replenishment. Sodium is the most common electrolyte lost in sweat, yet most Americans get more than enough sodium from their diets.” I’ve got one bone to pick with that last sentence, but we’ll get to that in a bit…
Even more troubling, Gatorade has just introduced an organic version called Gatorade G Organics in an attempt to look like a healthy option. This couldn’t be further from the truth. All they’ve done is replace a few of the chemicals in regular Gatorade with organic cane sugar (remember – sugar is sugar to your body, and is heavily acidic in ALL forms).
So if Gatorade and other sports drinks are NOT the way to recharge after working out, what is? Here’s what your body really needs to replenish after a strenuous workout.
Alkaline Water
First and foremost, you need to be hydrating before, during, and after you exercise.
Without even factoring in exercise, the total amount of water outgoing from our bodies tends to be around 3 to 4 liters each day, including sweat, urine, and water vapor from our breath. If you’re working out, you can add an extra liter to that.
So in order to properly replenish, the average person should drink half their body weight of water per day in ounces. For example, a 200-pound male would need 100 ounces of water, which is equal to around 3 liters or ¾ of a gallon. This is way, way more than the average person thinks they need.
And of course, the quality of the water is important. Go for a good, filtered water with a high pH (between 8.0 and 9.5). Add a slice of lemon if you can, and better yet, supercharge your water with a scoop of AlkaMind Daily Greens.
Now this is where I differ from The Washington Post article just a bit. Yes, sodium is the #1 electrolyte lost while you sweat, and yes, most Americans get more than enough sodium in their diets to make up for that loss.
However, it’s not just the quantity of sodium that counts. It’s the quality too.
There are salts that HEAL, and salts that KILL!

Yes, you get plenty of table salt, or sodium chloride. But unfortunately, that’s in the bad salt category and it doesn’t replenish you after a workout.
Refined table salt is harmful in ANY amounts and should always be replaced with unrefined mineral salt like a Celtic Grey, Himalayan, or Redmond Real Salt. All three contain essential trace minerals that it’s unlikely you’re getting from other sources.
If you’re getting those excellent mineral salts in your daily diet, that covers most of your sodium needs. However, you also need sodium bicarbonate, especially after working out. You’re not going to replenish that from the foods you eat.
That’s why I recommend you take AlkaMind Daily Minerals after every workout to ensure you’re getting enough sodium bicarbonate, as well as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It will not only replenish those minerals, it will also help to neutralize any lactic acid that has built up in your muscles.
This stuff truly is the Gatorade of the 21st century, so next time you think of replenishing after a workout, I hope your mind goes to AlkaMind Daily Minerals instead of those sugar-filled scams.
This is hands down the best recovery electrolyte/mineral drink you are going to find, containing the most crucial alkaline minerals in their most bioavailable form.
Once your body is rehydrated and replenished, the next thing it wants to do is repair. Specifically, repair muscles and create new muscle cells. That’s how you’re going to get stronger from working out, as well as prevent injuries.
It does that with amino acids, the building blocks of our muscles. Despite popular belief to the contrary – that says meat is the way to get amino acids – there are a lot of great plant-based sources of essential amino acids.
Because I wanted a regular source of protein to rebuild after workouts that was loaded with nutrients and had a delicious taste, I made my own. Alkamind Organic Daily Protein is an organic powder with the best ingredients you can find and a great taste
It has ZERO grams of sugar, only 110 calories per serving, and 18 grams of protein, which is 36% of the recommended daily value. Plus, it comes in two delicious flavors – creamy chocolate and vanilla coconut.
Fitness Magazine called it “a superfood lover’s dream.”
So try Alkamind Organic Daily Protein today!
You can buy one jar or subscribe & save 20%